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Enigma encryption
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Enigma encryption
Here is one military-related idea on which I have been doing research, as time permits. For more ideas on which I have been working, see Military-related ideas/research/talks.

2. Title and abstract
Enigma encryption: human and technical security issues

Today, with the increasing importance of the security of wireless communication, it can be enlightening to look back on the advent of wireless communication and the attempts to create secure wireless communication, during the first half of the 20th century. This research/talk reviews the history of the Enigma machine and then presents a pattern that has been used to create customized student exercises whereby the student uses an on-line Enigma Machine simulator to get a glimpse of the history of cipher machines during World War II. Although the Allies did break most of the codes and recover most of the encrypted messages, it was the weakness of the human factor in implementing the policies of use of the Enigma Machine that led to the critical breaking of the Enigma codes during the war.

3. Author
The author, as a West Point graduate, has had a long time interest int military and civilian encryption and communication technologies. As a professor in computer science, the author developed and taught information security courses, and wrote an Enigma simulator in order to facilitate creating (and automatically grading) student assignments that involved decrypting Enigma-encoded message (using an on-line visual simulator, not written by the author). The lectures, and several conference presentations, were on this and the human and technical factors that weakened the use of the Enigma machine during World War II.

The author has a BS (physics) and a PhD (computer science) with a long-time interest in computer and human languages.

4. Future direction
If anyone has specific examples or experience in any area related to these ideas that you are willing to share, please contact me. This includes the following areas. Thank you.

by RS : 1024 x 640